Hello, everybody! (This is actually Maria, the technical producer of Epilogue)

Note: Our beautiful website just got shut down (again). This time because we had links. Links! Can you believe it?! Anyway, I am fixing the site and it should be up again in a day or two. Annoyingly, we will not have links, so I suggest you learn your computer's copy and paste shortcuts for the URLs.

As you may (or may not) know, this past week we have been renovating the website in honor of the successful interest meeting. It's not totally done, but it's almost there. SO, you should check it out, especially the News page. 'Cause it's awesome.

Also, just to remind y'all next meeting: Saturday,  September 20 at 1:00 in the MPL YA section. See you there (or else...not really)!

Keep on being awesome!
More later,

So, a week ago exactly we held our very first interest meeting!

It was pretty nifty: six people came, an even number of guys and girls, which was cool.

We talked about the and what we had planned. We showed the "Wizard Rock the Vote" and "Waldemart" videos, which seemed to go over quite well. We also discussed goals, which are handily assembled in this beautiful chart:

Okay, so the green section is really hard to read.... it's basically just some possible activities that we could do for each goal in red.
If you click on it, it becomes more legible...

We asked everyone if they had any ideas, but they seemed kind of shy... which is okay. Since it was pretty much just informational, it wasn't the most interesting interest meeting.... But future meetings will be a lot more fun. We promise.

Also, we had a super fun time handing cookies out to random library patrons.

So there's that. The next meeting is on Saturday, September 20th at 1:00 PM at the Moline Public Library. Be there or be square. You get bonus points for bringing a friend! (Yes, we have a points system... more info at the next meeting.)

Mucho amor,

So.... Our website got eaten by zombies again. This means that we can't link here from our website..... but you can get to our website back. I think we have to sacrifice someone to the undead princess or something...... volunteers?


......our website got eaten by zombies........

I have sent a letter of complain-age and hope for it to be restored... but.... GAAAAAAAH.

Hello, and welcome to the Epi-blog: The Official Blog of Epilogue: The QC Harry Potter Alliance. You may notice a certain affinity for colons..... and there is nothing I can say to that. So, how do you like this background? I find it really spiffy, and love how Epilogue-y it is. Keep checking back for updates and things, especially once we really get going.

So, we (Myself and my fellow Epilogue-starter-uppers.... which is the dorkiest thing I think I have ever typed) are really excited about this group. Seriously. You will probably be seeing fliers everywhere you go in the near future. You should pick them up and distribute them to your Potter-minded friends. (But it's not a fan club!)

Speaking of which, I am going to try to make an FAQ section so that I don't have to make blogs saying basic things over and over when I could be telling you shiny, new things. But also because I currently feel the need to mention that we are not a fan club at every opportunity, and making the FAQ may cure me of that. Not entirely sure of how to make an FAQ page, but it's in the works.

I'd also like to apologize for any annoyances that I or the other starter-uppers have inflicted or will inflict upon you or anyone else. Because under all that annoying-ness is just someone who believes in what we're trying to do, and wants it to be as successful as possible. That said, we will try to restrict the annoying-ness to people who haven't heard about Epilogue yet. You also have full permission to be annoying back to us (within reason) and even fuller permission to be annoying to said people who haven't heard about Epilogue yet.

I think I'll wrap this up now, I've typed for long enough, I think. To summarize:

  • Cool background, no?
  • Excitement! Rapture! Hoorah!
  • FAQ Section? Maybe?
  • Sorry for being annoying.
  • Please be annoying.
  • Tell your friends.
So, for now, I think I'll leave you with two reminders.
  1. Interest meeting! Saturday, September 6, 1:00 pm Moline Public Library, YA Section, snacks provided (That's important.)
  2. It's not a fan club.
Much love,


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